6. How To Use The Cogent Compiler

6.1. Command-line Arguments

The Cogent compiler accepts a large number of command-line arguments, which are either commands, directing the compiler to produce particular outputs, or flags, influencing the compiler’s behaviour as it works.

A typical invocation might be:

$ cogent -g -o generated \
         --infer-c-funcs=main.ac \
         --infer-c-types=abstract/Grid.ah \

6.1.1. Commands

--ast-c parse C file with Cogent antiquotation and print AST
 parse a stack usage .su file generated by gcc; FILE optional
--parse parse Cogent source code
-t, --typecheck
 typecheck surface program
-d, --desugar desugar surface program and re-type it
--normal normalise core language and re-type it
--simplify simplify core language and re-type it
--mono monomorphise core language and re-type it
-g, --code-gen generate C code
--ast-parse display surface language AST
--ast-tc display type-checked surface language AST
--ast-desugar display desugared core language AST
--ast-normal display normalised core language AST
--ast-simpl display simplified core language AST
--ast-mono display monomorphised core language AST
-i, --repl run Cogent REPL
--docgent generate HTML documentation from Docgent comments; must be enabled at Cogent compile time
--pretty-parse pretty-print surface language
-T, --pretty-tc
 pretty-print type-checked surface language
-D, --pretty-desugar
 pretty-print desugared core language
 pretty-print normalised core language
--pretty-simpl pretty-print simplified core language
--pretty-mono pretty-print monomorphised core language
 generate Haskell shallow embedding (desugared core)
 generate Haskell shallow embedding (desugared core, with Haskell tuples)
--hs-ffi generate Haskell FFI code to access generated C code (including a .hsc module for types and a .hs module for functions)
--deep-desugar generate Isabelle deep embedding (desugared core)
--deep-normal generate Isabelle deep embedding (normalised core)
--deep-mono generate Isabelle deep embedding (monomorphised core)
 generate Isabelle shallow embedding (desugared core)
 generate Isabelle shallow embedding (normalised core)
--shallow-mono generate Isabelle shallow embedding (monomorphised core)
 enerate Isabelle shallow embedding (desugared core, with HOL tuples)
 generate scorres (desugared core)
 generate scorres (normalised core)
--scorres-mono generate scorres (monomorphised core)
 generate constant definitions for shallow embedding (desugared core)
 generate constant definitions for shallow embedding (normalised core)
 generate constant definitions for shallow embedding (monomorphised core)
 generate constant definitions for shallow embedding (desugared core, with HOL tuples)
 generate proof for shallow tuples embedding
--normal-proof generate Isabelle proof of normalisation
--mono-proof generate monomorphisation proof
--ac-install generate an Isabelle theory to install AutoCorres
--corres-setup generate Isabelle lemmas for c-refinement
--corres-proof generate Isabelle proof of c-refinement
 generate Isabelle proof of type correctness of normalised AST
--type-proof generate Isabelle proof of type correctness of normal-mono AST
--all-refine generate shallow-to-C refinement proof (collective)
--root generate an Isabelle ROOT file
 generate a table of Cogent and C type correspondence
 generate a table of type synonyms for shallow embedding
 generate a table of monomorphised abstract functions
 generate a table of monomorphised abstract types
-G, --graph-gen
 generate graph for graph-refine
--build-info log how cogent is being invoked by generating BUILD_INFO file; implied by any collective commands
-C, --c-refinement
 generate all files needed for the C refinement proof (collective)
-F, --functional-correctness
 generate all files needed for the functional correctness proof (collective)
-A, --all generate all possible outputs (collective)
-Q, --quickcheck
 generate QuickCheck related artifacts (collective)
--stdgum-dir display directory where standard gum headers are installed (can be set by the $COGENT_STD_GUM_DIR environment variable)
-v, -V, --version
 show version number

6.1.2. All Flags

-o NAME, --output-name=NAME
 specify base name for output files; by default, derived from name of source Cogent file
 specify Isabelle theory file name; by default, derived from name of source Cogent file
 abstract type definitions will be in PATH/abstract/, which must exist (default is ./)
 specify path to all output files (default is ./)
 specify path to fake C header files
 specify path to top-level directory (for imports in theory files only, default is ./)
 config file to customise type generation
 give a list of Cogent functions that are only called from outside
 give external type names to C parser
 infer Cogent abstract function definitions (can be specified multiple times)
 infer Cogent abstract type definitions (can be specified multiple times)
 specify the name cache file to use
 specify input C file to generate proofs; defaults to the same base name as input Cogent file
 specify Cogent entry-point definitions
 arguments given to Cogent preprocessor (same as for cpphs; can be specified multiple times)
--cpp=PROG set which C-preprocessor to use (default to cpp)
--cpp-args=ARG arguments given to C-preprocessor (default to $CPPIN -P -o $CPPOUT)
--ddump-smt dump verbose SMT-solving information
--ddump-tc dump (massive) surface typechecking internals
--ddump-tc-ctx dump surface typechecking with context
 a space-separated list of keywords to indicate which groups of info to display; possible keywords are gen, sol, post, tc
 dump debugging output to specific file instead of terminal
 dump the pretty printed desugared expression before typechecking
--fcheck-undefined, --fno-check-undefined
 check for undefined behaviours in C (default enabled)
-B, --fdisambiguate-pp
 when pretty-printing, also display internal representation as comments
 generate FFI functions in the C code (should be used when -Q/--quickcheck is specified)
--fflatten-nestings, --fno-flatten-nestings
 flatten out nested structs in C code (does nothing; default is disabled)
--ffncall-as-macro, --fno-fncall-as-macro
 generate macros instead of real function calls (default is disabled)
 display full path for source file locations
--ffunc-purity-attr, --fno-func-purity-attr
 generate GCC attributes to classify purity of Cogent functions (default is enabled)
--fgen-header, --fno-gen-header
 generate build info header in all output files (default is disabled)
--fintermediate-vars, --fno-intermediate-vars
 generate intermediate variables for Cogent expressions (default is enabled)
--flax-take-put, --fno-lax-take-put
 allow take/put type operators on abstract datatypes (default is disabled)
--flet-in-if, --fno-let-in-if
 put binding of a let inside an if-clause (default is enabled)
--fletbang-in-if, --fno-letbang-in-if
 put binding of a let! inside an if-clause (default is enabled)
--fml-typing-tree, --fno-ml-typing-tree
 generate ML typing tree in type proofs (default is enabled)
--fnormalisation=NF, --fno-normalisation
 normalise (or don’t normalise) the core language to the NF normal form, which may be anf, knf, or lnf; the default is to normalise to anf
--fpragmas, --fno-pragmas
 preprocess pragmas (default is enabled)
--fpretty-errmsgs, --fno-pretty-errmsgs
 enable/disable pretty-printing of error messages (requires ANSI support; default is enabled)
--freverse-tc-errors, --fno-reverse-tc-errors
 reverse the order of type errors printed
--fshare-linear-vars, --fno-share-linear-vars
 reuse C variables for linear objects (default is disabled)
--fshow-types-in-pretty, --fno-show-types-in-pretty
 show inferred types of each AST node when doing pretty-printing (default is disabled)
--fsimplifier, --fno-simplifier
 enable or disabled simplifier on core language (default is disabled)
 number of iterations simplifier does (default is 4; no effect if simplifier disabled)
--fstatic-inline, --fno-static-inline
 mark generated C functions as static inline (default is enabled)
--ftuples-as-sugar, --fno-tuples-as-sugar
 treat tuples as syntactic sugar to unboxed records, which gives better performance; or don’t (default is enabled)
--ftc-ctx-constraints, --fno-tc-ctx-constraints
 display (or don’t display) constraints in type errors (default is disabled)
 set the depth for printing error context in typechecker (default is 3)
--ftp-with-bodies, --fno-tp-with-bodies
 generate type proof with bodies (default is enabled)
--ftp-with-decls, --fno-typ-with-decls
 generate type proof with declarations (default is enabled)
--funion-for-variants, --fno-union-for-variants
 use union types for variants in C code; this cannot be verified (default is disabled)
--funtyped-func-enum, --fno-untyped-func-enum
 use untyped function enum type (default is enabled)
--fuse-compound-literals, --fno-use-compound-literals
 use compound literals when possible in C code; otherwise, create new variables (default is enabled)
--fwrap-put-in-let, --fno-wrap-put-in-let
 Put always appears in a Let-binding when normalised (default is disabled)
-O LEVEL, --optimisation=LEVEL
 set optimisation level to one of -O0, [TODO] no optimisations; -O1, [TODO] some optimisations; -O2, [TODO] more optimisations; -Od, [TODO] (default); -On, [TODO]; -Os, [TODO] size; -Ou, [TODO]
--Wall issue all warnings
-w, --Wno-warn turn off all warnings
--Wwarn warnings are treated only as warnings, not as errors (default is enabled)
-E, --Werror make any warning into a fatal error (default is disabled)
--Wdodgy-take-put, --Wno-dodgy-take-put
 enable/disable warnings on ill-formed take or put in types (default is enabled)
--Wdynamic-variant-promotion, --Wno-dynamic-variant-promotion
 enable/disable warnings on dynamic variant type promotion (default is disabled)
--Wimplicit-int-lit-promotion, --Wno-implicit-int-lit-promotion
 enable/disable warning on implicit integer literal promotion (default is enabled)
--Wmono, --Wno-mono
 enable/disable warnings during monomorphisation (default is disabled)
--Wunused-local-binds, --Wno-unused-local-binds
 enable/disable warnings about unused local binders (default is disabled)
-q, --quiet do not display compilation progress
-x, --fdump-to-stdout
 dump all output to stdout
--interactive interactive compiler mode
 bad hack: sorry all type proofs for functions that precede given function name